All posts by root

Table maintenance 2.03

This release corrects some minor bugs and the nugget file is better sorted to allow upload for new installs easier. There is still a bug in our SAPLINK, which requires two loads before all objects can be correctly loaded on a new system. Just execute SAPLINK twice and all object should go in for activation. If you find problems, let me know.

Bug list corrected:

  • The table version check for the rfc link between systems has been removed as it was only working with connected systems.
  • The error log handling as been further improved.
  • Screen handling is corrected ( exit buttons)
  • Refresh issue is resolved

let me know if you find any issues.

Table maintenance 2.02

This release corrects some minor bugs and the nugget file is better sorted to allow upload for new installs easier. There is still a bug in our SAPLINK, which requires two loads before all objects can be correctly loaded on a new system. Just execute SAPLINK twice and all object should go in for activation. If you find problems, let me know.

Table maintenance 2.00

Final I was able to finish the next version of the table maintenance transaction ZSY666. Beside that some bugs have been corrected and the error handling is further improved, I have added also some nice features.

  • The new version allows massive update of selected columns or fields. This gives you the possibility beyond just copy and past to correct table data.
  • Now you can remote connect to a different system and read data from the same table, but remote system. It will show you a comparison and than allows you to update the local system based on remote data ( similar as SM31 supports).

To proper install the code you will need the latest daily build for saplink. Please also compare the plugins. There was an issue with the function group plugin. It got fixed and you will need it.


Over the last month I have started contributing to a very interesting project I found on This project has the goal to create excel files directly with abap code. There is no office integration needed through the GUI and files can be created therefore even in the background. A lot of effort has been already but in the first versions of this great idea. In the moment version 7 is in the works and version 6 has been released beginning of this year. There is a lot of work pending, but it is already very much usable and has already a big fan base (more than 300).

I can only recommend to have a look and try it out. Here you can find more info ABAP2XLSX.


Table maintenance 1.00

In SAP we have plenty variations to read and maintain tables, but as soon as you are in a production system and want to make a fast correction, than it gets complicated. The transaction ZSY666 allows you to maintain almost any table and therefore can help in these desperate situations. This means you should only do it, when there is no other choice. This transaction can help when you are in trouble, but also can bring you in a lot of trouble.
Consider yourself warned and use it with care.

You can download the code from my downloads page.

Text Object 2.00

Over the last years many have downloaded the existing version 1.01 of the TextObject. As the TextObject has evolved over the last 2 years, here is the latest version of it. Many bugs have been resolved and the following functionality has been added:

  • Spellchecker with context menu based on MS Office
  • Insert of standard text with context menu
  • Dialog textbox allows full text display (for example to be used for hotspot click in ALV-grids ( cl_salv_table ) ).
  • Several format options can be chosen to get text formated returned
  • Simplified interface for text definiton

You can download the code from my downloads page.
