
Here you will find some information about the code I have provided under downloads.

In general after you have installed and activated SAPLINK with all the Plugins ( please check for a new version, when ever you get a new version of my programs). You will need to download the nuggets from my website and upload with SAPLINK into your system.

If you run the nugget for the first time in your system. It could be that you have to execute it more than once. The sequence of objects is not 100% clean with SAPlink and than you get a fatal error during upload. Please repeat the upload and it will work.

As a general rule you should activate all data dictionary objects first. Than activate all the objects and programs together. Now you should be ready to use it. Sometimes it will shows errors during activation. Please check for the errors. If something is missing, please let me know and I will updated the nugget.

4 thoughts on “Info

  1. Hallo Rene
    Ich, Leopold Wallisch, bin Dein ehemaliger Klassenvorstand bei Deiner Matura 1980 in der Stubenbastei in Wien. Wolfgang Schubert und ich wollen ein 40jähriges Maturatreffen organisieren und ich bitte daher um Rückmeldung mit Angabe Deiner mailadresse, um Dich darüber informieren zu können. Liebe Grüße Leo Wallisch

    1. Hallo Rene
      Ich bitte nochmals um Deine mail-Adresse um Dich über ein eventuelles Maturatreffen informieren zu können – siehe oben mein mail vom 28.1019Mag. Leopold Wallisch

  2. Thanks Rene, the SAPlink package works fine and i used that.
    It’s very helpful.

    If i see that, still only download all program .

    Liebe Grüße ,

  3. Hallo Rene,
    vielleicht erinnerst Du Dich noch an unser Gymnasium in Wien. Wir haben gemeinsam maturiert. Ich habe ein Softwareunternehmen in Wien.
    Liebe Grüße aus Good Old Vienna
    Peter Matzka

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